Friday, February 4, 2011

This Is Our Family Jewel

We started a family blog; well I set it up but collectively on twitter we (the majority rule of the family seeing as how all the women have two votes) decided that it would be a good idea. I should also note that there are two families (but really one big) involved in these blog postings. So here is the first post, I will give a bit of incite to those of you who care to read this family blog.

There are eleven potential authors, emphasis on the potential, they are as follows: 1) Pookie, Mom, MATIGGY, Teague Style, otherwise known as Teague Winger, my mother 2) the head of all of the technology insanity in the family, Dad, Davinport, Farmer Dave, Professor Winger, dwinger2003, Davin Winger 3) Ryan...who just got a twitter but hopefully will join the blogging bandwagon now 4) the golden child, Reidy, speedyreidy, Reid who has potential to be a prominent contributor to this blog, 5) Darlenie Weenie, Mom, Darlene who is the mother of the other house, seeing as how Darlene has yet to read my blog her contribution to this one doesn't look promising but we'll give her a break she is a hard working teacher 6) Z-bag, Gibson, Dad, Keith Gibson, head of the second household; he could be a promising author to this blog especially if he had a good nap before posting ;) 7) Kyle J, Kylita, ladies man, Kyle Jackson, now if Kyle figures out how to post on this blog we could become a prime blog role attracting some very pretty girls seeing as how Kyle is a master in the art of WOO 8) Kory, now if Kory is not out on the town he also could be a contributor to this blog...we'll see 9) KTG, sister, Katie, Katie will author this blog, I can assure you; however, it may be sporadically 10) Squatch, the other golden child, Shelley, I do hope that Shelley contributes to this blog seeing as how she is the other golden child it would be read more often ;) 11) LAW, snic, Leigh Anne, I myself of course will contribute to this blog as long as the other family members don't leave me out to dry....K THANKS guys!

Anyways, who knows where this could go, or what could be written but it might be fun just to see what happens, or at least I think so! As for my fellow authors, post away, or don't; but I'd rather you DO. :)



  1. my mom doesn't read my blog either don't take it personally.
    and i agree. if shelley were to contribute, the reader population might double! (stinkin' golden child)

  2. i have to say that it is prob goin to be way more funny to read our lives than it is to live it. and law i have been on twitter for over 2 wks and reading reids blog for over a week....boom
