Monday, February 7, 2011

The shoe is on the other foot.

cc licensed flickr photo shared by wader

Teague and I missed sharing our normal Super Bowl Sunday with the Keith and Darlene. We made a rule a few years ago that we were going to enjoy the Super Bowl without kids. It's always been a nice evening of eating, visiting, and watching a little of the football game. I remember the year Janet Jackson had the wardrobe malfunction. We all looked at each other and said, "Did we just see what we thought we saw?" It's a good thing we didn't have a DVR then.

Instead of watching the Super Bowl, Teague and I were presenting at a Retrouvaille Marriage Weekend. I wrote a little about the weekend here.

Our flight was scheduled to leave Houston about 6:40 PM on Sunday evening. That afternoon Teague received a text from Ryan telling us that it was snowing in Gruver, and he wanted us to call or text him when we landed.

I appreciated Ryan's concern for his old Mom and Dad, but I had to chuckle a little about how things had changed. It wasn't that long ago and I would have wanted him checking in with me before he started to travel especially if the weather was acting up.

Ryan's checking up on his Mom and Dad...and it feels pretty good.

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