Tuesday, February 22, 2011


When I was young, I was sick often and my parents eventually found out that I had allergies to almost everything, no really. I was allergic to beef, milk, cheese, peanuts, tomatoes, pineapple, coconut, chocolate, and plenty of other things. Needless to say, our family adjusted accordingly until I was ten and outgrew all of my allergies; I was tested and was found to be allergic to nothing. My sophomore year I was tested again and they found that I was significantly allergic to trees, weeds, and grass. My allergies bother me more in the Texas Panhandle than in Austin where I have had no trouble, until now.

I hadn't been feeling very well so a couple of friends suggested that I drink an Odwalla Superfood.

After talking to my mom about my eye being swollen she asked me what was in the Odwalla that I had drank. In the superfood is a shot of wheatgrass and drinking it obviously doesn't make me immune to my grass allergy....no more Odwalla for me, good thing my mom has been dealing with my ridiculous allergies for a long time!

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